Sunday, June 7, 2009

A Fairy Princess workin' Mechanic

I love that Grace doesn't mind getting her hands dirty. Rex was working on our truck, and Grace was helping him. Actually, if her daddy is doing anything, then she is right there beside him. Even if it means wearing her princess dress while she is helping him. 


MegHaNE said...

that is super CUTE! i love that she wants to be like her daddy but still a girly girl!

The Kaspers of Logan said...

Why didn't Rex wear his pricess dress too?

Unknown said...

my gracy bugggle gets more precious with every new day adventure...the fairy princess holdng a flashlight for dad is exactly who she is...loving challenges and adventures..oh i wish i could kipss her right now...i just cant believe how blessed we all are to have her little spirit of adventure and love in our lives...her nana loves her so...the picture needs to be entered somewhere..

Toni Marie said...

soo cute! i'll be in UT next week we'll have to get the girls together

Mrs B said...

That is adorable. It'll make Tyler feel better to see this if ever we have a little girl.

Anonymous said...

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